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With breathtaking views of the Fenouilledes and the Corbières, Trilla is a small village known for its tradition of hospitality and celebration. Dynamic and interdependent, the Trillanols are very involved in local cultural and community life.

A little history ...

Two dolmens attest to the occupation of the territory from the megalithic era. Taupèls is one of the most interesting of the Pyrenees-Orientales.

In 1163 the abbey of St. Martin of Cuixà located in Conflent, owned land in the parish of Trilla. Then, like all Fenouilledes villages, Trilla was integrated into the Comté Catalan Cerdanya-Besalu, until the Treaty of Corbeil (1258), which restored the region to the crown of France.

Today being more focused on tourism, Trilla has a very pleasant leisure area with river swimming near to the lake of Agly.

More information about setting off on one of the many hiking trails.


Contact Town Hall


Mayor : Didier FOURCADE

Postal address : 3 Place de la Mairie 66220 Trilla

Téléphone : 00(33)4 68 59 00 91

Fax : 00(33)4 68 59 07 11

E-mail address :



Opening hours of the Town Hall


Monday : 8.30 am – 12 am

Tuesday : 8.30 am – 12 am

Wednesday : 8.30 am – 12 am

Thursday : 8.30 am – 12 am

Friday : 8.30 am – 12 am


General information


Names of people : Trillanais ou Trillanols

Population : 69 people

Area : 896 hectares


Places of interest to discover


Cultural Heritage Dolmens, 11th century chapel, 19th century Church restored with the participation of local people.


Special festivals and cultural events


Trilla carnival March

Trilla en Fête - Foire aux Vieux Cépages Third July’s saturday

Party 1st August Friday

French equivalent of a car boot sale 1st August Sunday


Practical Information


Accomodation : 7 gîtes « Gîtes de France »

Organizations : Comité d'animation, l'Atelier Trillanais (loisirs créatifs), AICA de Séquère, Association des Vieux Cépages, Equine therapist

