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Located in the heart of Fenouilledes the land around Saint Arnac consists of a succession of plateaus and hills. This is mainly granite, and is crossed to the east by the river Agly, while alarge feldspar quarry operation occupies a plateau in the west.

Saint -Arnac is a distortion of the original name “Center- nach " , mentioned for the first time in 899. St Arnac was successively ruled by the Knights Templar and Hospitalliers of St. John of Jerusalem, and the king in the eighteenth century.

The fountain dated 1881 built in the ‘Place d’Ormeau’, suggests that running water was brought to the village in 1878.


The church dedicated to St. Peter, with its unusual clock is of Roman origin. .

From the hilltop village, a marked path leads up to the Roc de Vergès (584 meters), where the view is superb.

Downwards, towards the Agly, a mill, reminds us of an industrial past based on flour manufacturing. Today the village has resolutely turned towards the future and renewable energy as can be seen by the windmill that provide electricity for the quarry.


Contact Town Hall


Mayor : Guy CALVET

Postal address : 2 Place Centernach

Téléphone : 00(33)4 68 59 03 95

Fax : 00(33)4 68 59 20 38

E-mail address :

Website :


Opening hours of the Town Hall


Monday :   2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Tuesday : 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Wednesday : 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Thursday : 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Friday : 8.30 am -12 am


General information


Names of people : saintarnacois

Population : 120 people

Area : 660 hectares


Places of interest to discover


Curiosities Windmill

Special festivals and cultural events

Saint-jean bonfire party 23rd June

Party 1st August

French equivalent of a car boot sale July


Practical Information


Accomodation : Gites

Organization : Pétanque, hunting, Burlesque village names

Activities, leisures : anque pitch, playground

