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Situated in the Fenouilledes, downstream of the Agly dam, the river Agly cuts through the southern part of the land here. It is composed of wood and scrubland with rocky outcrops.

The vineyards have covered almost all the arable land since the nineteenth century. The winegrowers of Rasigueres produce an exceptional rosé wine. This fame transcends national boundaries. A pottery, which produces glazed earthenware and decorated stoneware conserves an approach to ceramics that is both traditional and archaeological in style.

The Lordship of Rasigueres was held, in the eleventh century, by the viscounts of Fenouillet. The town became part of the kingdom of France by the Treaty of Corbeil in 1258. The original village was probably inside the Rasigueres Castle, a fortified farm that is now in ruins. There is also the Trémoine Tower - the remains of an ancient castle used primarily as a lookout or signalpost..


Contact Town Hall


Mayor : Roger CHEBILLE

Postal address : Place de la Mairie 66720 Rasiguères

Téléphone : 04 68 29 04 24

Fax : 04 68 29 18 23

E-mail address :


Opening hours of the Town Hall


Monday : 9.00 am – 1.00 pm

Tuesday : 9.00 am – 1.00 pm 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

Thursday : 9.00 am – 1.00 pm

Friday : 9.00 am – 1.00 pm


General information


Names of people : The Rasiguérois

Population : 170 people

Area : 1350 hectares


Places of interest to discover


Cultural Heritage Tour de Trémoire, Bird santuary (ZICO) for Bonelli Eagles.


Practical Information


Public services : Town Hall

Accomodation : Gites

restaurant : Guest House

Shops : Pottery, coopérative winery, private winery

Organizations : Comité d'animation, Au fil de l'Agly, ROC

Activities, leisures : Hiking and Fishing

