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At the bottom of a valley, the village is dominated from south-west by a huge limestone rock, which is completely covered by green oaks trees, and from which rises a square tower: the ‘Tour de Lansac’. Built in the eleventh century, this lookout tower was probably manned as a communication link to the Quéribus Castle, The Torre del Far (Tautavel) The Triniach (Latour de France) and Tour de Prats. Today Lansac is a wine growing village, also recognized as a Feldspar mining area (Feldspar is used in the making of ceramics, in particular, ceramic tiles).


Contact town hall


Mayor : Louis PANABIERE

Postal address : 52 rue de la Mairie 66720 Lansac

Téléphone : 00(33)4 68 59 16 64

Fax : 00(33)4 68 59 24 06

E-mail address :


Opening hours of the Town Hall


Monday : 9.00 am – 12 am

Tuesday : 9.00 am – 12 am

Wednesday : 9.00 am – 12 am

Thursday : 9.00 am – 12 am

Friday : 9.00 am – 12 am


General information


Names of people : The Lansacois

Population : 97 people

Area : 520 hectares


Places of interest to discover


Cultural Heritage : Tour à signaux


Special festivals and cultural events


Party 8th August


Practical Information


Organizations : Events committee, hunting

Activities, leisures : Hiking, Petanque pitch, Tennis courts

